RewriteRule Tech BUZZ: Top Digital Marketing Trends of 2017

Friday, January 30, 2015

Top Digital Marketing Trends of 2017

With the effect of the practices that were followed in last year, we are now in the position to analyze the marketing trends of this amazing Year, 2017. This tinsel season is the perfect time to the marketers to resolve and to evolve with magical trends. 

Here is some list of top marketing trends that will definitely let you stand ahead the competitors. 

1. Fresh Video Content
Chipotle, GoPro, Red Bull, Dove and Samsung racked up the video views to an extent as same as last year. Currently, new video projects likes album that are released to support School Meals Programme, World Food programme and  UPS's your wishes delivered campaign, received more likes and engaged a lot in delighting and attracting customer views. They are mainly focused to tell good stories to the customers. Hence, it is found that customer responds more to the video contents that are directly from brands. 

2. Owned Content
It is found that marketers are spending around $4.3 billion on native ads. Spending is increasing year by year. Also, investing on the owned content is of larger value. This year alone, Microsoft Stories are built up by Microsoft and rich collection of videos has been released by Apple. Also, print magazines has been launched by both Airbnb and Net-a-Porter. Although native ads are more strong, brands started to appreciate owned stories. This is the dedicated community that has its own rewards to attract major people and stand ahead in the future. 

3. Mobile-First Marketing
It is hard to find the inclination of Marketing Trends that doesn't include Mobile first strategy.  Almost every analyst now agrees that it is necessary for every brands to put more to leverage mobile technology in the forthcoming months and years. This is mainly to create experiences that completely serves customer's needs.  Vice-president of Marketing at WebTrends, Kathy Stromberg agrees that marketers need to make a media brief and acceptable thoughts to resonate customers those who are in need. As the worthy practices are being developed, opportunities are encircled around works definition and  what that doesn't evolve around mobile space. 

4. Marketing in Real-Time
Real-Time Marketing entered a different phase from the moment of Ellen DeGeneres' selfie broke Twitter in Oscar Night. After few months, “Reactvertising” video called everyone to enter a new phase for responding cultural events. Likewise, brands jump towards everything from trendy World Cup to BendGate to end up with success. Marketers strive for more social relevance with live-tweeting and RTM.  

5. Hyper-Personalization
This has created its way into just about every feature of Digital marketing Trends. Future will the year that will bring a hyper personalized ads to heightened use of algorithms. Location Targeting and Re-targeting will be combined together for more marketing campaigns in order to deliver adhesive consumer experience. 

6. Visual Marketing
YouTube, Vine, Instagram,Tumblr and Pinterest plays a huge role in content marketing strategies. Appealing visual marketing reach more brands than last year. B2B marketers will recognize the worth of social media and GS'S online story telling path. 

7. Visual Influencer
2015 is the age of visual influence. This is because of the unexampled power of niche content creators on YouTube and Instagram. Undoubtedly, this visual influence accelerate much more  this year. Each and every Brand is so eager to collaborate visual influences so as to create better visual content of themselves. Bootcamp operated by YouTube is designed to speed up the visual content creation and to offer new entrances for brand partners. 

8. Omni-channel Advertising
This term is more popular with online retail activities. But this omni-channel activity is more critical for advertising as it is related to website designing. In general, Customers expect unified ads and cross-channel experience that don't react and act with flat. Go-to tactics of the marketers are of programmatic personalization such as customers acquires relevant content in their search and brands optimizing its ads expenditure.  

9. Marketing Memes
Memes are unvarying in the social media networks. But this is the year, where memes can spell more huge exposures. This is with respect to the popular and reminded brands– BendGate with AlexFromTarget and BreakTheInternet. 

Author Bio
Meena Kumar is a Digital marketing Trainer and marketing enthusiasts who is working in Digital Marketing Training Institute in Chennai. She also loves to write many articles regarding current marketing trends and techniques that is useful for newbies. 

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