RewriteRule Tech BUZZ: awesome Power Strip with incredible design

Monday, December 30, 2013

awesome Power Strip with incredible design

Power Strip Cornered

Here comes an another innovative power strip to satisfy your need for more power plugs to put the juice in your power hungry gadgets right at your comfort with an intelligent design.

This strip can be adjusted anywhere in room ,whether it may be your table or bed you could adjust all your gadgets power cord to fit into it because of its unique tri-corner design for getting maximum use for you house hold utilities and gadgets.

so come on lets see how it will work to make your work easy and comfortable ,giving you an incredible and multiple power source for all your electricity needs .

This beautifully designed Intelligent Power Strip has an imposing triptych composition that allows you to place it at any nook and take the power for more than 2-3 plugs,even more. The beauty of the design is that the power cord can be maneuvered and adjusted to face the direction of the  power outlet, no matter how you place the strip and in any direction . It’s a very innovative design and I’d love to see how this really works for the room corners and table edges ,around the vertices of bed etc.

Designer: Herald J. Ureña – Umaña

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